7th year

Boccia Tatra Cup 2023


June 15 – 20, 2023 / Liptovský Ján

the open international tournament in the Paralympic sport of boccia
BC1, BC2, BC3, BC4  –  Individuals & Teams, Pairs

Boccia Tatra Cup 2023  / June 15 – 20, 2023, Liptovský Ján

7th year of the open international tournament in the Paralympic sport of boccia

4-day sports competition in the barrier-free sports hall of the Alexandra Wellness Hotel*** in Liptovský Ján, an attractive accompanying program with an educational and social focus, traditionally high-quality player cast, friendly atmosphere… this is how the 7th year of the international tournament for individuals, pairs and teams in the Paralympic sport of boccia Boccia Tatra Cup 2023 took place.

The first and still the only international boccia tournament, organized in Slovakia, is open to classified boccia players of all skill levels. It is attended by beginners and less experienced players – representatives of regional sports clubs with national classification, as well as top players from the leading ranks of the world BISFed ranking – members of national representative teams and successful Paralympians. A total of 48 players registered for the 7th year of the tournament and a total of more than 150 participants from 8 European countries.

Boccia Tatra Cup 2023 was held just before the start of a series of important qualifying BISFed tournaments, where representatives of individual countries collect score and get places for the upcoming XVII. Summer Paralympic Games PARIS 2024. For them, this year was especially an ideal space for testing and fine-tuning their sports form in a friendly but high-quality playing environment. The representatives present here had the opportunity to measure their strength and test their game tactics, albeit in friendly matches, but directly against several of their European competitors from the top of the BISFed rankings. For beginners and less experienced players from regional boccia clubs, who do not normally get to participate in international scoring tournaments and do not play with top players from other countries, the participation in this tournament allowed them to gain valuable international sports experience and provided the unique opportunity to meet and play with their idols and stars .


EVENT NAME: Boccia Tatra Cup 2023
YEAR: 7th

DATE:  June 15 – 20, 2023
PLACE:  Alexandra Wellness Hotel*** sports hall, Liptovský Ján

4 competition days
/ June 16 – 19, 2023
8 participating countries / a total of 48 competing players
19 referees
(SVK, CZE) / 20 volunteers – timekeepers, service personnel

Individuals BC1, BC2, BC3, BC4
Teams BC1/BC2 & Pairs BC3, BC4

Participating countries:
Slovakia (SVK), Czech republic (CZE), Hungary (HUN), Poland (POL), Croatia (CRO), Slovenia (SLO), England/Great Britain (ENG/GBR), Belgium (BEL)

The top players of the world and Europe on the starting list:
Samuel Andrejčík (SVK/BC4), Davor Komár (CRO/BC4), Radek Procházka (CZE/BC4), Alexandra Szabo (HUN/BC4), Róbert Mezík (SVK/BC2), Francis Rombouts (BEL/BC2), Rastislav Kurilák (SVK/BC2), Vivien Nagy (HUN/BC2)

Expand for more information


Individuals BC1 Individuals BC2
1. Štefan Bartek / SVK
2. Roman Sajdak / CZE
3. Caroline Robinson / ENG
1. Francis Rombouts / BEL
2. Peter Minarech / SVK
3. Peter Novota / SVK
Individuals BC3 Individuals BC4
1. Rafael Joung / ENG
2. Marcela Čermáková
3. Michal Tižo
1. Samuel Andrejčík / SVK
2. Davor Komár
3. Radek Procházka
Teams BC1/BC2
1. Tomáš Král, Rastislav Kurilák, Kristína Kudláčová / SVK
2. Caroline Robinson, Jason Rolph, Vivien Nagy / ENG, ENG, HUN
3. Štefan Bartek, Peter Minarech, Peter Novota / SVK
Pairs BC3 Pairs BC4
1. Boris Klohna, Ľuba Škvarnová / SVK
2. Bor Tit Jerlah, Klemen Kramžar
3. Michal Tižo, Miroslav Bielak
1. Marián Klimčo, Davor Komár / SVK, CRO
2. Blaž Adamlje, Matjaž Bartol / SLO
3. Samuel Andrejčík, Kristína Vozárová / SVK

Program of Event

June 15, 2023 / Thrusday
16:00 – Arrival and accommodation of participants, getting to know the sports hall, trainigs 

19:00 – Dinner
20:00 – Workshop whith Samuel and Michaela, free program

June 16, 2023 / Friday
08:00 – Breakfast

09:00 – Opening ceremony – entry of participants, cultural performance (moderator Gabriel, Cindruška)
09:30 – Competitions of individuals – matches in groups

13:00 – Lunch
14:00 – Competitions of individuals – matches in groups
19:00 – Dinner
20:00 – Workshop swith Samuel and Michaela, free program

June 17, 2023 / Saturday
08:00 – Breakfast

09:00 – Competitions of individuals – matches in groups
13:00 – Lunch
14:00 – Competitions of individuals – elimination matches and final stage
19:00 – Dinner
20:00 – Workshop with Samuel and Michaela, free program

June 18, 2023 / Sunday
08:00 – Breakfast

09:00 – Competitions of individuals – final stage
13:00 – Lunch
14:00 – Competitions od teams and pairs – matches in groups
19:00 – Dinner
20:00 – Workshop with Samuel and Michaela, free program

June 19, 2023 / Monday
08:00 – Breakfast

09:00 – Competitions od teams and pairs – matches in groups
13:00 – Lunch
14:00 – Competitions od teams and pairs – final stage
15:00 – Announcement of results and medal ceremony

19:00 – Dinner
20:00 – Goodby party – social evening session with music and dancing
01:00 – Fireworks

June 20, 2023 / Tuesday
08:00 – Breakfast

10:00 – Departure of participants

Implementation team / Performers

Organizer:  ZOM Prešov – the civil assotiation of people with disabilities

Director of the tournament:  Boris Klohna
Technical director of the tournament:  Mgr. Ondrej Bašťák Ďurán
Chief referee:  Mgr. Matúš Grega
Project manager / Graphic design:  PaedDr. Anna Mačová
Sound system:  Jozef Sirotňák
Photo:  Bára Nosková

Moderator:  Gabriel Blcháč, MSc / www.moderatorgabriel.sk
Performers:  children’s folklore ensemble Cindruška, Liptovský Hrádok / www.cindruska.sk

Accompanying program


WORKSHOPS with Samuel and Michaela / 4 x 2 hours
/ the opportunity to learn from the beest….

the series of 4 open training workshops for beginners and less experienced players, their sports assistants and choaches

Date:  June 15 – 18, 2023 / always 20:00 – 22:00
Place:  Sports hall Alexandra Wellness Hotel***, Liptovský Ján

methodological instructions, joint boccia trainig sessions, individual consultations, individual training matches with successful Paralympians

Thematic focus:
tools and sports equipment for boccia, professional training methods, game tactics, spots assistance

Professional staff and ambassadors:
Samuel Andrejčík, Michaela Balcová, Rastislav Kurilák, Radek Procházka (CZE), Mgr. Ondrej Bašťák Ďurán



public presentation activities (outdoor, indoor) aimed at presenting of boccia, the Boccia Tatra Cup project and project partners in coopertion with local self-goverments in the region

Outdoor:  June 15, 2023 / 16:30 – 18:00 – Liptovský Hrádok, František Wisner square
Indoor:  June 16. – 20, 2023 –
area and sports hall of the Alexandra Wellness Hotel***, Liptovský Ján



social evening session with reproduced music and dancing, midnight fireworks
Date:  June 19, 2023 / 20:00 – 01:00
Place:  restaurant of Alexandra Wellness Hotel*** and parking lot in front of the hotel, Liptovský Ján

V4 project partners

Project partners V4:

SC JÚ Praha – Sports club of the Jedlička institute Praha, c.a. / CZECH REPUBLIC
PROMETEUS – Association of the physically disabled, their families and friends / POLAND
FODISZ – National union of disabled students and leisure sports / HUNGARY

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Other partners and supporters

The Slovak Association of Physically Disabled Sportsmen
Prešov self-governing region
The city of Liptovský Hrádok

BASHTO SPORTS, s.r.o. / sports equipment for boccia – sales, advice
AQUA PRO EUROPE a.s. / product support – drinking regimen (spring water)
ŠPES & Partners, s.r.o. / product support – drinking regimen (coffee)
Ing. Arch. Ivan Marcinko – lacná 3D tlač.sk / product support – pedestals for trophies

The children’s folklore ensemble Cindruška from the Elementary school of art in Liptovský Hrádok with art leader Mgr. Elena Jurenová
Gabriel Blcháč MSc, moderatorgabriel.sk

For download / promo material, regulation

Boccia Tatra Cup 2023 / poster, jpg  download  →
Boccia Tatra Cup 2023 / webbanner 770 x 405 px, jpg  download  →
Boccia Tatra Cup 2023 / webbanner 1000 x 390 px, jpg  download  →
Boccia Tatra Cup 2023 – Regulation / pdf dokument  download  →


ZOM Prešov – the civil association of people with disabilities
Karpatská 18, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia

contact person: Boris Klohna
e-mail:  zompresov@zompresov.sk
web:  www.zompresov.sk


Workshops with Samuel a Michaela – the opportunity to learn from the best…

Accompanying program – the public presentations of boccia, goodbye party…

Project Partners

SC JÚ Praha – Sports club of the Jedlička institute Praha, c.a. / CZECH REPUBLIC
PROMETEUS – Association of the physically disable, their families and friends / POLAND
FODISZ – National union of disabled students and leisure sports / HUNGARY

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.